

Fewer drugs at higher prices? Statement Aenova CEO Jan Kengelbach on the current macroeconomic situation

Starnberg, 24/10/2022

Aenova CEO Jan Kengelbach gives a statement on the current macroeconomic situation in the current issue of CHEManager (10/2022).

With the title "Fewer drugs at higher prices? The supply of pharmaceutical products in Europe is under pressure", Jan Kengelbach analyzes the consequences of the Ukraine war, the global disruptions to supply chains and energy supply, the enormous price increases accompanied by a highly volatile price situation, and the resulting challenges for CDMOs, customers and the supply of medicines to patients worldwide.

Read more in the current issue of CHEManager 10/2022 (article in German language).

Quality control Softgels Kirchberg
Quality control Softgels (Photo: Aenova)

Aenova Weniger Medikamente zu hoeheren Preisen CHE Manager 10 2022