Aenova Holding GmbH
Berger Straße 8 - 10
82319 Starnberg (Percha)
Managing Director: Jan Kengelbach, Dr. Peter Waller
Registration court Munich district court Registered number: HRB 200013 VAT number: DE 284697152 Headquarters of the company: Starnberg (Percha)
The person responsible for the content of this site under the terms of section 6 of the German Interstate Agreement on Media Services is: Dr. Peter Waller
© 2025 Aenova Holding GmbH für sämtliche Inhalte unter
Legal notice
Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our products and services. Below is our legal notice.
Liability for the content
All the documents and files which make up Aenova’s website have been created with the greatest possible care. However, we ask you to understand that we cannot guarantee that the information on the website is accurate or complete. We will not accept liability for any damage which could result directly or indirectly from the use of the website and the information it contains. The exception to this is liability in cases of deliberate intent or gross negligence. The same applies to the content of our company databases. These contain data that has been submitted to us voluntarily by the relevant companies. In this area we also accept no liability for damage which could result directly or indirectly from the use of the information in the database, with the exception of damage caused deliberately or by gross negligence.
We also accept no liability for the content of other websites which can be accessed from links on Aenova’s website. These are external websites and Aenova has no influence over their content. The links are provided as a service by Aenova, but Aenova is not responsible for the content of the websites. If you find illegal content on the website of another company that can be accessed via a link from our website, please notify us so that we can remove the link to this website.
The online databases, text, images, graphics, layout and other content of this website are protected by copyright. Contributions made by third parties are clearly identified. Our written consent must be obtained before any material can be duplicated, distributed, edited or used in any other way that is not specifically permitted under the terms of the Copyright Act or of other legislation. This also applies to content from this website which is used on external websites or reproduced elsewhere. The material on this website can only be downloaded or copied for private, non-commercial use. The operator of the website makes every effort to acknowledge the copyright of third parties and to use material that the operator has created itself or that is in the public domain.
Press picture copyright
Press pictures may be made available on our website for downloading. These pictures may only be used for journalistic purposes in connection with producing editorial or scientific reports. All copyright still remains with Aenova. If the pictures are used for the above-mentioned purposes, modified, duplicated or electronically altered, they must have the source specified (“Photo: Aenova Group”). The commercial use or sale of the pictures, in any form whatsoever, is prohibited. The use of press pictures is free of charge. However, in the case of print media, we would appreciate a copy for our records, and if pictures are used in films and electronic media, suitable notification would be appreciated.