

Target reached! Joint Aenova donation of 100.000 € for Ukraine

Starnberg, 22/03/2022

Within just two weeks, the Aenova Group has reached the set joint donation target of €100,000 to support Ukraine. "With this campaign, we were able to make a significant contribution very quickly to support the people affected by the war in Ukraine. Every help is important here!", explains Jan Kengelbach, CEO of Aenova.

On the specially set up Aenova Ukraine donation portal, employees were able to donate directly to "Aktion Deutschland hilft". Every contribution received there was doubled by the Aenova Group.

"Our joint fundraising campaign has shown how significant each individual contribution is and how strong we are as a group at the same time. "Everyone matters" and "Stronger as a group" are also two core values of the Aenova Group. The commitment of our employees is outstanding. A very big thank you to everyone for their contribution and help," comments Jan Kengelbach. "We are now looking at other ways to help, for example to provide concrete support for refugees from Ukraine," Kengelbach added.