

Aenova with new organizational structure supporting future strategy

Starnberg, 15/06/2023

Aenova has reorganized the company's organizational structure. The new management structure of the Executive Leadership Team is aligned with the company's growth strategy. Manufacturing operations, development and technology innovation are now positioned powerfully and equally alongside each other.

The Aenova Group, amongst the globally leading international contract manufacturers and developers for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, announces a new organizational structure for the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). The new management structure is aligned with the company's meticulous focus on operational excellence while supporting its growth strategy in development services. From now on, the new structure is giving equal clout to manufacturing operations as well as development services and technology innovation. “This reorganization will very well support Aenova's strategic positioning as an innovative CDMO champion”, explains Jan Kengelbach, CEO of the Aenova Group. “While the demand on our manufacturing services is higher than ever contributing to more than 20% organic growth year-to-date, so is the demand for our development services in particular in the high potent solids, solids with enhance bioavailability characteristics, and aseptic manufacturing. We are currently working on 60 development projects with our customers in clinical phase 1-3”, Jan Kengelbach continues.

Specifically, this means that from now on all 14 manufacturing sites of Aenova Group will report directly to Roel de Nobel, the new Chief Operations Officer (COO). Florent Bordet, as new Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), will be the head of the newly created development services and technology innovation unit. This will cover product development, development services and manufacturing science and technology.

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Neil Jones will be responsible for the management of the existing business and drive the development and acquisition of new business opportunities.

Tim Bauer as Chief People Officer (CPO) will continue to drive initiatives around employee engagement, employee motivation and talent acquisition. Dr Peter Waller was recently appointed as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

The organizational changes are in line with Aenova's ambitious strategic direction as an innovative CDMO champion. This is focused on delivering ever higher output levels at highest quality and reliable delivery rates by expanding the manufacturing capacities across the network. And in addition, also it focusses on extending capabilities to offer more differentiated technologies and development capabilities for small molecules and large molecules fill and finish. With this, Aenova offers its customers solutions both for established molecules as well as the development of new chemical entities (NCE).

"I look forward to shaping the future of Aenova together with this experienced, dedicated and visionary team. With Aenova's innovative solutions and outstanding capabilities, our customers have a reliable CDMO partner at their side for all their needs", comments Jan Kengelbach, CEO of the Aenova Group.

Aenova Executive Leadership Team 2023
Aenova Executive Leadership Team 2023