

Aenova achieves silver medal in EcoVadis sustainability rating

Starnberg, 07/06/2024

Aenova has once again achieved silver status in the latest EcoVadis sustainability rating. The rating documents the sustainability status of the Aenova Group in the categories "Environment", "Labor and Human Rights", "Ethics" and "Sustainable Procurement". The result places Aenova in the top 15% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

Certified proof of sustainability in the areas of environment, labor, ethics and procurement is becoming increasingly important for companies and their suppliers. Approximately half of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies use the assessment of EcoVadis, one of the largest international providers of sustainability ratings, for this purpose. The Aenova Group also undergoes an annual assessment by EcoVadis.

Aenova achieved significantly improved results in the area of ethics compared to the previous year. The introduction of a whistleblower system and an incident response procedure led to an increase in the rating.

In the area of procurement, Aenova was able to score significantly by introducing monitoring and reporting on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) for suppliers. This ensures that suppliers in Aenova's supply chain are LkSG compliant according to the current legal situation. Significant improvements have also been achieved through the implementation of the Aenova Supplier Code of Conduct and the integration of social/environmental clauses in supplier contracts.

The responsible use of resources is also recognized, as the production steps in the pharmaceutical industry are energy intensive. Many Aenova sites already have photovoltaic systems to generate their own electricity. Other sites are being equipped with photovoltaic systems on an ongoing basis.

The silver medal places Aenova in the top 15 percent of companies rated by EcoVadis. Approximately 130,000 companies worldwide use the EcoVadis sustainability rating. "We are very pleased with the improvement of our results in the latest EcoVadis assessment and see this as an incentive to further optimize our sustainability strategy. For example, several Aenova sites now use only renewable energy", comments Guy Ridsdill, Global Head of HSE at the Aenova Group.