

Space project in kindergarten: Little astronauts travel into space

Kirchberg, 20/04/2021

For the children of the Zuckenriet kindergarten near Kirchberg (CH), an interesting project turned into a true fantasy journey into space.

Traveling in COVID-19 times: that's as good as impossible; traveling into space: even more so. But a project of the kindergarten Zuckenriet made it possible.

For quite some time now, outer space, the sun, the moon and the stars have been the subject of a project in the kindergarten. The children learned about the planets of the solar system, observed the moon at home in the evening and reported the next day how it changes from night to night.

Then the idea came up to make a fantastic research trip into space. Astronaut helmets were quickly made with balloons and paste, and the little astronauts could look into space from the cut-out, silver-edged peephole of the helmets. A room lined with aluminum foil became the rocket's interior. Now all that was missing were the matching "space suits.

For this, the kindergarten asked Swiss Caps AG, a member of the Aenova Group. The Aenova Group is a leading global contract manufacturer for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. At the Kirchberg site, soft gelatine capsules are developed and produced, such as high-dose vitamin D preparations. High standards of hygiene are set in pharmaceutical production. For this reason, employees only enter the production rooms wearing special protective suits, which have now become "space suits" in the Zuckenriet kindergarten. With this, the spaceman ambience was complete and the journey into space could begin. A great project that made learning, creativity and fun possible even in times of pandemic.

Kleine Astronauten im All
Little astronauts in the Zuckenriet kindergarten. The "space suits" were donated by the Swiss Caps AG, Member of the Aenova Group. (Photo: privat)