

Aenova Latina site and Edison Next strengthen partnership by continuing the energy transition

Milan / Latina, 27/07/2023

New photovoltaic plant of more than 1 MW

Edison Next, an Edison Group company that accompanies customers and territories on their path to decarbonization and energy transition, and Haupt Pharma Latina, member of the Aenova Group, that is among the world leaders in the pharmaceutical field, take another important step along the road to decarbonization of the Borgo San Michele production site in Latina, which, with 600 employees and 40,000 square meters of floor space, is one of the largest in the entire Aenova Group and is located in an area considered the pharmaceutical hub of Lazio.

Specifically, Edison Next, under a 15-year contract signed with Aenova, will be responsible for the design, installation, maintenance and operation of a new 1.135 MW solar tracking photovoltaic plant to be installed on the ground within the production perimeter of the Latina site. The plant, which will be commissioned by the end of the year, will be capable of producing more than 2,000 MWh per year.

The new photovoltaic plant, built under a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) formula, will have an area covering about 4,800 square meters and will consist of 10 inverters and more than 1,800 modules, mounted on solar tracking support structures with a north-south orientation.

"The construction of this photovoltaic plant represents a further step in the path begun a few years ago together with Aenova with the aim of improving the sustainability and energy autonomy of the Latina site," says Marco Steardo Director of Industry at Edison Next. "Photovoltaics represent a strategic resource for the energy transition of companies. It is a well-established and mature technology that can ensure immediate benefits in terms of, both environmental impact and energy cost reduction. In fact, self-producing renewable energy also means increasing one's independence from the grid by decreasing one's exposure to price volatility."

"Environmental sustainability combined with economic levers are the key to our future, as a company, as a relationship with our territory. We have a responsibility to improve year after year and to look to future generations," says Paolo Abbate, managing director of Haupt Pharma Latina, member of the Aenova Group. "The partnership with Edison Next is a virtuous example of how common goals can make Europe and our customers create synergies and bring competitiveness. It is a positive model to be replicated on many other challenges of innovation and technological improvement."

The share of self-consumption of renewable electricity produced by the photovoltaic system built by Edison Next will be about 80%. The remaining portion that is not self-consumed will be fed into the grid.

This plant represents a new piece in the journey that Edison Next and Aenova began together almost a decade ago with the goal of increasing energy independence and decreasing the environmental impact of the Latina site. This photovoltaic plant will make it possible to meet 23 percent of the plant's electricity needs, taken to date from the grid, through renewable sources and, adding to other energy solutions already implemented by Edison Next, will make it possible by the end of the year to meet a substantial portion of the site's energy needs through self-generation.

The result will be an estimated reduction in atmospheric emissions of 746 tons of CO2 per year.(1)

(1) Total avoided emissions are equal to the difference between emissions for thermoelectric production from fossil sources and emissions for production from photovoltaics (equal to 0). Emissions from thermoelectric production are calculated by multiplying the expected electricity production by the emission factor of the Italian thermoelectric fleet as defined in ISPRA environmental reports.

Aenova Latina site in Italy
Aenova Latina site in Italy (Photo: Aenova)