

Aenova becomes a participant of the UN Global Compact for sustainable and responsible corporate governance

Starnberg, 11/02/2022

The Aenova Group is now one of the signatories of the UN Global Compact, a worldwide initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. By participating in the UN Global Compact, Aenova supports the principles and goals of the initiative, to which more than 19.000 companies worldwide and more than 740 in Germany already belong. Aenova's commitment to the UN Global Compact highlights the importance of human rights, labor standards and environmental protection in the company's medium- to long-term orientation.

Since the end of 2021, the Aenova Group has been a so called signatory participant in UN Global Compact. By participating in the worldwide initiative, Aenova indicates to embed the central principles and goals of the UN Global Compact as guidelines in the CSR strategy.

The ten universal principles to which companies participating in the UN Global Compact are committed include:

  • Support and respect for international human rights
  • Compliance with international labor standards, including the avoidance or elimination of forced labor, child labor and all forms of discrimination
  • Consequences of the precautionary principle in dealing with the environment and environmental problems, as well as the promotion of general environmental awareness
  • Development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies
  • Advocacy against all forms of corruption

Aenova's participation in the recognized international network reflects its intention to make the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the company's strategy, culture and daily work, thus promoting sustainable development goals of the United Nations.

"We are very pleased that by joining the UN Global Compact we can now pursue our core values and CSR goals in an even more focused and sustainable way," comments Jan Kengelbach, CEO of Aenova Group. "As a globally active contract development and manufacturing organization with strong roots in Germany, we and our approximately 4,300 employees worldwide will now be able to contribute even more effectively to achieving these goals in the future," Kengelbach added. "The annual reporting to the initiative on developments and progress regarding its principles and goals provides sustainability, which we explicitly promote and whose challenges and responsibility we are very happy to face."

For more information on the UN Global Compact, visit www.unglobalcompact.org.