

100,000 € as a common goal: Aenova donation initiative for Ukraine

Starnberg, 07/03/2022

Every day we can see in the news what unimaginable suffering the war brings to the people in Ukraine. As the Aenova Group, we want to and can help.

In accordance with our corporate value "Together we are strong", we want to make a significant contribution. We have set ourselves the goal of donating 100,000 euros together.

Everyone can make a contribution now on the Aenova Ukraine donation portal. The donation will go directly to the campaign "Aktion Deutschland hilft / Germany helps", which supports the most important aid organizations working in Ukraine.

Aenova Group will double every contribution made on this page. Every contribution counts according to the Aenova value "Everybody counts".

The organizations from the alliance "Aktion Deutschland Hilft" help those affected by the war e.g. with food, tents, medicine and other urgently needed relief supplies. They also provide medical assistance and psychosocial support.

Here you can donate directly: Link to Aenova Ukraine donation portal

Thank you for your support and help!