

Training is important to us: Aenova Münster at CoeMBO 2022

Münster, 06/12/2022

Training is of great importance at Aenova. With over 80 trainees within the Aenova Group, vocational training for the next generation is an integral part at all Aenova locations.

At the career information fair CoeMBO on November 12, 2022 in the school center of the city of Coesfeld, Aenova Münster was on site with a team and informed many young interested students about all topics related to training at one of the world's leading contract manufacturers for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry.

Aenova's Münster site focuses on the development, production and packaging of high-potency and/or low-dose tablets and, in particular, hormones, hormone-like substances and narcotics. Another focus is on production technologies for micro-dosed capsules, e.g. with dry powder for inhalation. Around 250 employees contribute to the success of the site.

The following training courses are offered: Apprenticeship as chemical laboratory assistant (m/f/d), pharmaceutical assistant (m/f/d), industrial clerk (m/f/d), IT specialist for system integration (m/f/d). Currently, 9 trainees are employed at Aenova in Münster.

"We are pleased to be able to offer young people in the region interesting apprenticeships every year. The pharmaceutical industry is characterized by very good job and career prospects," explains Michael Obermeier, Head of Human Resources in Münster. "At the same time, we work here for the health of patients worldwide. That, of course, is another very special motivation," Obermeier continues.

The CoeMBO is a trade fair for career guidance, where young people from Münsterland and the surrounding area get the opportunity to get an overview of the possibilities after graduating from school. After a two-year break from Corona, the fair was held again this year in presence.
Team Aenova Münster at training event