
Meet Aenova at DCAT Week 2023 New York City

New York City, 20-23/03/2023

DCAT Week is the premier event held annually in New York City for companies engaged in the Global Bio/Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Value Chain.

The event is hosted by the Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association (DCAT), a not-for-profit Business Development Association, for its’ 500+ Member Companies. DCAT Week is not a trade show. Instead, DCAT Week is a unique, multifaceted week of events.

Meet Aenova and learn more about the capabilities Aenova can offer you as an experienced and reliable CDMO partner:

  • Development Services, accelerating your time to market:
    Aenova is your one-stop shop from development to commercial manufacturing
  • Innovative Technology Solutions:
    e.g. dry powder inhalation, capsule microdosing, encapsulated mini tablet systems, multiple unit pellet systems
  • High Potent APIs & innovative oncology medicines

Just get in contact with our sales team and schedule a meeting.

We are looking forward to you!

Link to conference website: https://dcatweek.org/